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First Week in Alkaline/Vegan Land

Yes I can't believe a whole week has rolled around and I've eaten Alkaline plant based the entire time! Somehow six months have passed of my journey to meatless land and here I am *shocked face* crossing over to vegan?! 

I honestly can't say I really think I'd be here but I'm glad that I am; after all when you know better you should better. After all I have I'm a blogger with an all natural business; but it's so much deeper than that...

My spirit has been a journey as well, and the past three years I've awakened to amazing truths. 

For now I'll discuss how much fun a week of Alkaline eating has been. 

It all started on a Thursday afternoon with a popular Sebiean advocate, Chef Ras Bongo from 

I received a wonderful day of shopping and learning at various international markets and Whole Foods. This was lesson one; reviewing Dr. Sebi's food list and having my heart broke all of the things I love but must let go for the better...

The fun didn't stop there; I received lesson two in actually cooking and preparing an Alkaline meal. In the end was a beautiful well prepared, balanced, electric charged meal; packed with minerals and nutrients. 

Sweet & Spicy Pumpkin Soup, Fried Mushroom Nuggets (grape seed oil), Sautéed Kale onions and peppers, Avocado pear slice, Spelt flatbread and Mango Hemp Smoothie via Chef Ras Bongo @liveforivermoorkitchen 👨🏾‍🍳 

After all of that  I couldn't help but to take off on my journey and here's what my week looked liked...

I hope this inspires and blesses someone's heart and soul to awaken and join the journey! 

May Dr. Sebi rest in knowing his legacy and teaching were not in vain but will for ever live on! 

Much thanks given to Chef Ras Bongo for his teachings and gifts of herbal teas and elderberry tonic! Visit the site listed above! 


China Ashleigh, Oh So Natural 

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